Saturday, June 11, 2016

Opposition parties unite to raise minimum wage, improve casual workers livelihood

 A rally was held on May 17 in Tokyo to demand an immediate nationwide minimum wage hike to 1,000 yen in an aim to raise it to 1,500 yen. Some 75 people, mainly bi-partisan unionists, came to hear the minimum wage workers and politicians speak.
“Prime Minister Abe is saying the minimum wage will be raised based on the profit’s trickle-down as long as there is economic growth, but this is not going to work,” Japan Communist Party Secretary General KOIKE Akira said. “Raising the bottom will lead to improving livelihood and living standards. In the 26 districts, opposition parties are forming joint struggle toward the upper house election in summer, but we need to join hands to materialize this policy.” Besides JCP, politicians from the Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party of Japan, the People’s Life Party participated in the rally.
Low-wage workers from care-giving sector, convenience stores, postal services and station vendors also spoke of their work and hardships. “I’m always worried about money,” “Just paying rent is hard enough, but I also have to pay two-year lease renewal fee. I need to do something about this.” (By M)
 See photo=Opposition parties join hands.

非正規の生活ボトムアップへ!~最賃 引き上げも「野党は共闘」
17日昼、「最低賃金をいますぐどこでも時 給1000 円に! 時給1500円 をめざす院内集会」が衆院議員会館で開催され た。労働組合の潮流をこえて75人 が集まった。政党では、民進・ 共産・社民・生活の野党議員が勢揃いした。共産党小池書記局長 は「安倍が言っている最賃引き上げは成長ありきのトリクルダウ ン方式。これではダメだ。下からの底上げが経済活性化と生活改 善につながる。参院選ではすでに26区で野党共闘が進んでいる が、この経済課題でも政策合意を実現したい」と述べた。集会で は、介護・コンビニ・郵便・メトロ売店で、最賃ぎりぎりで働く 労働者が、職場や生活実態を証言した。「いつも金の心配ばか り」「家賃だけでも大変なのに2年毎の更新料が恐怖。何とかして ほしい」と悲痛な叫びだった。(M) * 写真=手をつなぐ 野党議員

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