Wednesday, June 24, 2015

1400 people, a large skeleton join the third Thursday demonstration against war legislation

A large skeleton participated in the third Thursday demonstration against the war legislation on June 4, along with 1400 people. The number of the participants of the action had been increasing every week. ”I don’t want to send my child to a battle field. What Abe has been doing terrifies me. I take part in this action with my friends in order to stop him,” said a woman who came all the three times. TSUJIMOTO Kiyomi, Democratic Party’s lawmaker and a member of the special Lower House committee on security bills, was among the speakers of the rally. ”Mr. Abe interrupted me by shouting ‘go on to the question quickly’ while I was talking on the self defense forces and lives of Japanese people during my question time in the committee deliberation the other day. He doesn’t respect to people’s lives. Although he says that the security legislation is required to protect lives and livelihoods of the people of this country, I would rather urge him to work on the pension data that his government failed to protect before discussing the war legislation.” Her speech got a lot of applause from the audience. Earlier that day, all three constitutional scholars summoned to the Lower House session on constitutional affairs, including the one recommended by the ruling parties, confronted the administration by saying that the security bills are unconstitutional. More defects of the bills have been revealed as the time goes. by M


 6 月4日(木)「戦争法案」反対国会前連続行動の3回目には、巨大ガイコツが登場した。回を追うごとに参加者は増え、この日は1400人に達した。毎回参加 している女性は「私には子どもがいるが戦場に行かせなくない。安倍のやっていることが恐い。止めるために友達を誘って参加している」と語る。集会では、衆 院特別委員会委員の辻元清美議員(民主党)が発言。「安倍さんは私が自衛隊や国民の命の話をしている時に、遮って“早く質問しろよ”とヤジを飛ばした。か れは命を軽視している。国民の命や生活を守るために“安保法制”をやると言っているが、それよりまず“漏れた年金記録”を先にやれ!」と訴えると大きな拍 手が起きた。この日は、憲法審査会で自公推薦を含む憲法学者3氏が「安保法制は違憲」と異議を述べる事態も起きたが、時間が経つほどに「戦争法案」のボロ が広がっている。(M)

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