Friday, November 14, 2014

Criticism from Okinawa ~Tokyo rally against the Way to War

Some 1,900 people gathered for the “Rally in Tokyo against the Way to War” held in Hibiya Public Hall on Oct. 17.  The main speaker of the event was MAEDOMARI Hiromori, professor of Okinawa International University and former chief editor at Ryukyu Shimpo (see photo). As a journalist with rich knowledge and sharp analytical ability, he criticized the fallaciousness of Abe administration. “The Japanese government has imposed dangerous facilities on regional municipalities: military bases on Okinawa, and nuclear power plants on Fukushima. Even when serious accidents happen, the government sweeps all its inconveniences under the carpet. Are people in Okinawa and Fukushima the second- or the third-class citizens, and only those in Tokyo the first?” He pointed out that the government is taking advantage of people’s prejudice fostered between urban and local areas, referring to the responsibility of the people who elected Liberal Democratic Party-led Abe administration. (By M)


10 月17日、「戦争への道をゆるさない東京集会」が日比谷公会堂に1900人を集めて開かれた。集会のメインは前泊博盛さん(沖縄国際大学教授・元琉球新報 論説委員長/写真)の講演だった。ジャーナリストらしい豊富な知識と鋭い分析力で安倍政権の虚偽性を批判した。「日本政府は危険な米軍基地と原発を、沖 縄・福島など地方に押しつけてきた。そして事故が起きても、都合が悪いことはすべてなかったことにする日本政府。沖縄や福島は二等三等の国民で、東京だけ が一等国民なのか」。前泊さんは都会と地方の間につくられた「心の中の差別」が政権に利用されていることを指摘し、安倍自民党政権を選んだ国民の責任にも 言及した。(M) 

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