Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It’s Labor’s Turn! – Workers’ Committee to Aim for Nuclear Free Society Established

 “Civil society is active in no nukes movement, but it’s our turn now to mobilize workers and unions,” HASEGAWA Takehisa, president of Japan Construction and Transport Industry Workers Solidarity Union, said on Nov. 20 in Tokyo. “We have long made effort to protect our jobs and livelihoods, but as we are threatened even for our existence by nuclear plants, we must protect our lives and safety. No life, no job. We would build solidarity with those who are deprived of decent work and living due to dangerous work in radioactive environment.” The committee formed by seven unions plans to hold a simultaneous actions in March and movie screening of a documentary on people of Futaba. Some 60 attended the meeting held for establishment of the committee and listened to KAIDO Yuichi, lawyer, who spoke of the basic law on nuclear free society. (By M)


「市 民運動が活発だが、これからは労働運動の出番だ」。1120日、長谷川武久委員長(全日建連帯労組)は、東京・全水道会館で開かれた「脱原発社会をめざ す労働者実行委員会」結成集会で意気込みを語った。「労働運動といえば『雇用と生活を守る』ことに力を入れてきたが、原発に生存を脅かされている今は、 『命と安全を守る』ことが重要。命なくして雇用もない。被ばく労働者問題や被災地で人間らしい生活を奪われた人達と連帯していきたい」と訴えた。7労組で 構成される会は、来年3月の一斉アクションや『原発の町を追われて~避難民・双葉町の記録』などの脱原発映画上映活動に取り組む。この日の集会には60名 が参加し、海渡雄一氏の講演「脱原発基本法のめざすもの」に耳を傾けた。(M

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