Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Workers fighting against evil companies that snapped back at unions


 Some 120 people, including a unionist from Turkey, attended an event titled, Workers fighting against evil companiesPart II, on May 18. Union members reported their struggles and their commitment to their struggles. An Osaka City worker, who is resisting tyrannical Osaka mayor said that his workplace turned into a place where workers cannot speak of their minds for fear that they would be reported and reprimanded. A union member of Suki-ya, a Japanese fast-food chain, revealed that the company refused to re-employ union members after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Another one at Miyako Mainichi Shimbun Union said that the company president forced union members to remain seated all day without any work assigned except when going to the washroom. Tour guides reported on their company, Hankyu Travel Support, and how it sued the union president for responding to an interview and stopped assigning him any work. A former KDDI phone operator reported how her company suspended all  business operations and dismissed workers for establishing a union. The last but not least case was a school office worker who was arrested for demanding that the principal attend a collective bargaining session. All struggles were unbelievably strange. (By KITA Kenichi)
Photo: A union member from Suki-ya


 518日、「ブラック企業に立ち向かう仲間たちの集会」、通​称・逆ギレ集会part2が開かれました。橋下市政下で​のストをはじめ、ブラック企業 ・使用者に対抗する現場か​らのプロテストが次々に紹介され、深い想いが語られ、互​いに元気をもらう、感動的な集会になりました。トルコの組合活動家をむ、120人が参加しました。
「密告を恐れ、ものが言えない」(大阪市)、「震災の支​援からも外された」(宮城県内のすき家)、「仕事を与え​ず『 トイ レ以外立つな』と1日中椅子に座らせた」(宮古​毎日)、取材に応じたことを口実に組合支部長から仕事を​すべて取り上げた(阪急トラベルサポート)、組合をつくったら業務を廃止​し職場全員解雇された(KDDIエボルバ)、挙句の果て​は「校長との団交を理由に逮捕された」(がくろう神奈​)など、駆け つけた仲間たちから明かされた攻撃は、信じ​がたいほど異常なものばかりでした。(北健一)  *写真=登壇した「すき家」とたたかう仲間

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