Monday, November 29, 2010

Rebuilding the society, people!

On Saturday, October 16th, 1,200 people participated in the anti-poverty rally at Meiji Park in Tokyo under the clear blue sky. The campaign mainly featured live music and discussions, along with various kinds of booths and group talks on diverse interests. Participants enjoyed the festive mood. Among all the groups, the one that exposed the brutality of Sumida Ward caught visitors' attention. The ward office has prohibited homeless people from collecting recycle cans to make a few bucks for their food. In addition, our first attempt to broadcast the rally with USTREAM (in cooperation with OurPlanet TV and PARC TV) showed segments such as "Tell Me, Mister" and "Anti-Poverty Honest Talk." The program gave an opportunity to the public to think over a number of social issues. The participants went on to a demonstration after the rally, along with well-known activists, including Karin Amamiya and Hajime Matsumoto, in Tokyo's Harajuku shopping district. They chanted phrases, such as "The poor are angry!" and "Give us money!"

 10月16日、晴れ上がった東京・明治公園で反貧困大集会が開催され1200人が集まった。音楽・トークを中心に出展ブース、分科会など全員参加型のお祭りスタイルで盛り上がった。なかでも墨田区による迫害を訴えた「空き缶パフォーマンス」のブースが注目を浴びていた。また今回初めての試みである反貧困TV(レイバーネットTV・OurPlanet-TV・PARC TVで構成)では、「教えておじさん」「反貧困本音トーク」があり、楽しくかつ問題を深める場となった。パレードでは、雨宮処凛さん、松本哉さんのシュプレヒコールが炸裂、「貧乏人は怒っているぞ!」「金よこせ!」の声を上げながら、原宿周辺を練り歩いた。(M) 写真速報・反貧困TV(アーカイブ視聴)・永瀬ユキのビデオ*写真=全員によるパフォーマンス

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