Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Harsh postwar history behind “Korean boom” – Film “A Brand New Life” released

Many of South Korean dramas depict the “secret of birth”. Behind this is its tumultuous postwar history that is characterized by the Korean War, the subsequent division between the North and the South, and the sharp economic growth after the pro-democracy movement. There, some enjoyed fruits of the growth and the others were unable to do it. In particular, war orphans, half-breeds whose fathers are US soldiers having been stationed in South Korea, and children of poor families were in misery. The military regime at that time encouraged their “international adoption” in order to alleviate the problem. The number of the adoptees was said to reach 200,000. For example, in a TV series “Hotelier”, a cool and hard-hearted entrepreneur from the US, played by Bae Yongjun, a South Korean actor, was abandoned by his father and adopted overseas while his younger sister was adopted by another family overseas. Harsh history lies even behind a luxurious hotel. I recommend you to watch the French-Korean film “A Brand New Life”, which is directed by Ounie Lecomte and will be released soon. (Kinoshita Masaaki) * Film’s official site


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