Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hankyu Travel Support Should Compensate Unpaid Overtime Wages ~ Tokyo District Court Rules

Hankyu Travel Support should immediately compensate unpaid overtime wages and pay the same amount of fines! The company is not to include overtime hours in regular work hours. Tokyo District Court ruled as such on May 11 in the lawsuit filed in October 2008. The plaintiff (a member of National Union of General Workers Tokyo Tobu) claimed that the company failed to pay overtime since the hours were included in the regular work hours. The court dismissed all the defendant’s claims as it stated that temp workers must be paid the hours they put in and not have the set pay that includes overtime wages. The court also ordered that the company pay the total of 562,930 yen demanded by the plaintiff and the same amount of compensation as fines.
By NUGW Tokyo Tobu
Read reports on blog, see UnionTube for press conference
Photo: Plaintiff and supporters after the victory

 阪急トラベルサポートは不払い残業代請求額全額をただちに支払え! 同額の付加金(ペナルティ)も支払え! 「みなし労働時間制」は適用できない! 2008年10月に提訴した「偽装みなし労働」残業代請求裁判第3陣(原告:豊田組合員。対象は国内宿泊旅行)の判決公判が5月11日、東京地裁で行われました。その冒頭、裁判長から組合勝利の判決が通告されたのです。会社の主張は全面的に否定されました。裁判所は、派遣添乗員への「みなし労働時間」の適用は認めないと明確に指摘し、未払い残業代請求に対して、なんと請求額全額の56万2930円の支払いを命じると共に最高額の付加金として、請求額と同額の56万2930円の支払いも命じました。(東京東部労組)
当該ブログ ・記者会見の動画(UnionTube) 

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