Friday, March 12, 2010

Refuse "employment, pension and settlement money", and we will refuse out-of-court settlement! - Chairperson Nihei Hisakatsu reports on the circumstan

for Solution of the JR Employment Rejection Issue attracted 4000 participants (according to the organizer). In his report on the circumstances, Chairperson Hisakatsu Nihei (see photo) clearly said, "The Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency has refused negotiation. Currently, the three ruling parties are working on a proposal for a solution. Out challenge is to have employment, pension and settlement money included in this proposal. I have a feeling that it is almost certain. If not, we'll refuse a friendly settlement. He added, "We are demanding 20 million yen per person for settlement money. Look, officials at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport get paid 30 million yen per yearly. The amount should not be impossible" and concluded, "The way to a solution is our solidarity among the four parties and four organizations. " At the end of the rally, as many as 100 among the dismissed and their families went up on the stage, with the photo of late Mr. Noriyasu Noda of the Kokuro Shizuoka Struggle Team attracting attention (see photo). No Diet members attended the rally. (M) (See the Joint Struggle Team website and animation from UnionTube.)

 2月16日、小雨降る中「JR不採用問題 解決へ!中央集会」が開かれ4000人(主催者発表)が集まった。情勢報告の中で二瓶久勝共闘議長(写真)は、「鉄道運輸機構が交渉テーブルを拒否した。現在は、与党三党が解決案を作っている段階。雇用・年金・解決金の三項目をこの解決案に入れさせるのが課題だが、必ず入る感触を持っている。もし入らなければ和解を蹴る」と明言。また「解決金では一人2千万の要求だが、国交省官僚は年収3千万もとっている。出せない金額ではない」と訴え、「4者4団体が分断されず団結することが解決の道」と結んだ。最後に100名に及ぶ被解雇者・家族が登壇したが、昨年亡くなった国労静岡闘争団・野田紀泰さんの遺影(写真)が目を引いた。なお国会議員の出席はなかった。(M) ・共闘会議HP ・動画(UnionTube)

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