Monday, January 26, 2009

Why silent, Mitarai-san -- Open letter at Keidanren’s new-year party

Eight trade unions, leading ex-dispatched workers who were dismissed before their contracts would terminate, tried to present an “open letter” to Mitarai Fujio, president of Kendanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations) in the afternoon of January 6, 2009. The question was, “Why are you silent despite an increase in social instability as a result of the harsh dismissal of temporary and dispatched workers by Keidanren member companies, such as Canon and Toyota, while people and local governments are working hard to tackle the problem?” The demonstrators visited Hotel New Otani, where the federation’s new-year party was held. The lobby of the hotel was filled with more than a hundred persons including news reporters, making the hotel upset. The confusion continued as Keidanren refused to receive the letter, but it was finally settled down when the hotel decided to keep it. Mr. Mitarai hopefully felt the anger of the dismissed closely.
* Photo: Approaching the venue with the open letter in hand (Front: Hotel staffs stopping the demonstrators from entering)


 1月6日午後、派遣切りされた人を先頭に8つのユニオンが経団連御手洗会長に「公開質問状」を提出する行動が取り組まれた。質問内容は、「キヤノン・トヨタなど経団連の会員企業の乱暴な非正規職解雇の結果、社会不安が増大した。市民や自治体が奔走しているのに、あなたたちは何もしないのですか?」というもの。メンバーらは、交歓会が開かれているホテルニューオータニに乗り込んだ。受付ロビーはマスコミを含めた100人以上で埋まり、ホテル側は大あわて。経団連が受け取りを拒否したため混乱がつづいたが、ホテル側が質問状を預かることで決着をみた。御手洗会長も派遣切りされた人の怒りを身近に感じたにちがいない。(M) *写真=公開質問状を手に会場に向かう(手前は妨害するホテル側)

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